bbb는 개인정보취급방침을 통하여 이용자가 제공하는 개인정보가 어떠한 용도와 방식으로 이용되고 있으며, 개인정보보호를 위해 어떠한 조취가 취해지고 있는지 알려드립니다. bbb 코리아는(이하 'bbb') 이용자(홈페이지 회원 및 bbb봉사자)의 개인정보를 중요시하며, 정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호에 관한 법률을 준수하고 있습니다. bbb는 개인정보취급방침을 개정하는 경우 웹사이트 공지사항(또는 개별공지)을 통하여 공지할것입니다.
본 방침은 : 2012년 1월 1일부터 시행됩니다.
  • - bbb는 개인정보를 이용자의 허락 없이 수집하지 않으며, 홈페이지, 어플리케이션, 우편물, bbb가 주관하는 행사 등을 통해 개인정보를 수집합니다.
  • - 만 14세 미만의 어린이의 개인정보는 부모의 동의 없이 다른 목적으로 사용하지 않습니다.
  • - bbb는 이용자가 회원으로 가입한 회원의 개인정보를 보유하고, 이용약관에 규정한 사항에 한하여 이용할 수 있습니다.
  • - 회원탈퇴(봉사자 회원 포함)한 경우, 재생할 수 없는 방법에 의하여 디스크에서 완전히 삭제하여 추후 열람이나 이용이 불가능한 상태로 처리됩니다.
  • - bbb는 온라인, 오프라인을 통해 등록된 이용자 정보를 서비스 목적 이외의 용도로 제3자에게 매매하거나 대여하지 않습니다. 다만 다음과 같은 경우에는 예외로 합니다.
    1. ① 이용자가 사전에 공개에 동의한 경우
    2. ② 법령의 규정에 의거하거나, 수사 목적으로 법령에 정해진 절차와 방법에 따라 수사기관의 요구가 있는 경우
  • - 이용자는 언제든지 홈페이지 또는 어플리케이션에 등록되어 있는 자신의 개인정보를 조회하거나 수정할 수 있으며, 해지나 수정을 원하는 경우 'My page'메뉴를 이용하여 직접 할 수 있습니다.
  • - 이용자 ID, 비밀번호를 분실한 경우, 'My page'의 '아이디 찾기/ 비밀번호 찾기' 메뉴를 이용하거나 bbb 대표메일(bbb@bbbkorea.org)로 문의 이메일을 보내 처리할 수 있습니다.
  • - bbb는 이용자의 동의없이 이용자의 정보를 외부 업체에 위탁하지 않습니다. 향후 그러한 필요가 생길 경우, 위탁 대상자와 위탁 업무 내용에 대해 이용자에게 통지하고 필요한 경우 사전 동의를 받도록 하겠습니다.
  • - bbb는 이용자의 정보를 수시로 저장하고 찾아내는 '쿠키(cookie)'를 운용합니다. 쿠키는 이용자의 홈페이지 이용에 편의를 돕고 홈페이지와 방문자 간의 원활한 의사소통을 위해 홈페이지 서버에서 이용자의 하드디스크에 전송하는 특별한 텍스트 파일입니다.
  • - bbb가 쿠키를 통해 수집하는 정보는 bbb의 서비스나 커뮤니케이션 외의 다른 용도로는 이용되지 않습니다. 또한 쿠키를 통해 수집된 정보는 이미 수집된 개인의 실명데이터와는 통합하여 분석하지 않습니다.
  • - bbb는 접속하는 각 브라우저에 고유한 쿠키를 부여하여 이용자가 접속하는 페이지를 추적
  • 할 수 있습니다. 이는 홈페이지의 접속 빈도나 경로 등을 분석하는 이용자 활동 성향을 알기 위함입니다.
  • - 이용자는 쿠키 설치에 대해 선택권을 가지고 있습니다. 따라서, 웹브라우저에서 옵션을 설정함으로써 모든 쿠키를 허용하거나, 쿠키가 저장될 때마다 확인을 거치거나, 아니면 모든 쿠키의 저장을 거부할 수도 있습니다.
    (인터넷 익스플로어의 경우 : 웹 브라우저 상단의 도구 → 인터넷 옵션 → 개인정보)
    단, 이용자가 쿠키 설치를 거부하였을 경우 서비스 제공에 어려움이 있을 수 있습니다.
  • - bbb의 개인정보 보호정책에 관하여 문의나 의견이 있으신 분들은 아래 연락처로 알려 주십시오. bbb는 이용자들의 문의사항 및 신고사항에 대해 신속하게 충분한 답변을 드릴 것입니다.
    1. ① 주소 : [04417] 서울특별시 용산구 한남대로 150 신동빌딩 3층
    2. ② 전화 : 02)725-9108~9
    3. ③ e-mail : bbb@bbbkorea.org
How to process personal information (required)
BBB Korea Org. (hereinafter "BBB Korea") is committed to protecting personal information by placing great importance on the privacy of its customers. The "Act on Promotion of Information Network Usage and Information Protection, etc." (Hereinafter referred to as the " As well as the guidelines for the protection of personal information established by the Korea Communications Commission.
BBB Korea shall establish personal information processing policy and provide it on the company's business floor or on the homepage (www.bbbkorea.org) by menu to disclose the customer's personal information for what purpose it is used for, We will inform you if you are losing.
  • BBB Korea shall collect, use and provide personal information, including the purpose of collecting and using personal information, collecting personal information, and collecting personal information through a written, internet site, telephone, e-mail, The consent of the processing consignment and the use agreement "in the manner prescribed by the relevant laws and regulations.
    However, BBB Korea is not liable for the following: (i) it is difficult to obtain normal consent for economic and technical reasons as personal information necessary for the execution of contracts related to the provision of services; and (b) when necessary for settlement of fees due to the provision of services. Or other laws, we may collect and use your personal information without your consent.
    In connection with the processing of personal information, BBB Korea is required to fulfill the contract for the provision of services, as follows: (1) A person who is entrusted with personal information processing consignment. (2) You may not be subject to Customer's consent process if you notify the Customer in writing or by telephone or similar means and disclose this Privacy Policy.
  • ① BBB Korea will prioritize the purpose and scope of its collection in the application form or the Terms of Use in accordance with relevant laws and regulations when collecting personal information.
  • ② BBB Korea does not collect any personal information that may seriously infringe on the basic human rights of the client, such as race and ethnicity, ideology and creed, place of birth and home, political orientation and criminal records, and health status.
  • ③ BBB Korea collects all or part of the following items for the following purposes.
    • Collection Items
    • purpose of use
    • Smartphone APP service
    • Cell phone number, device number, date, date of use
    • User management, collection of nonpayment, announcement of notice, securing of communication route, disability handling, settlement of charge, settlement of customer dispute, correspondence of customer / investigation institution request,
      • - Period of use: Date of application ~ Date of termination
      • - Retention period: Up to 6 months after termination of the dispute, including settlement of fees, overtime payments. If the fare settlement is incomplete, the fare settlement will be completed within 6 months (subject to special regulations in other laws)
    • ④ BBB Korea collects personal information by signing a written application form such as application form for use of service, name change contract, confirmation of the person / agent through BBB Korea website, telephone / fax, application for sweepstakes, I will.
  • ① BBB Korea shall use the personal information of the customer in advance and within the scope of agreement, or within the scope specified in the "Collection Items and Purposes of Personal Information" of the application form for membership, service use conditions and personal information processing policy, We do not use it over or give it to a third party. However, in exceptional cases, we may provide personal information without the consent of the customer.
    1. - When necessary for the settlement of fees due to the provision of services
    2. - In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, or for the purpose of investigation, if the investigation agency is required by the procedures and methods prescribed in the Act.
  • ② BBB Korea provides the following personal information in order to provide higher quality service to customers. (Your personal information will only be provided to the affiliated company according to the service (including event) you have subscribed to.)
    The personal information of the smartphone APP service member is not provided to the third party except in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and according to the procedures and methods set forth in the statute for investigation purposes, except when the investigation agency requires it.
  • BBB Korea can process and process personal information to third parties in order to provide high-quality service to customers and to provide convenience to customers In the case of consignment of personal information, it stipulates compliance with relevant laws and regulations, information protection and confidentiality, prohibition of providing to third parties, burden of responsibility in case of accident, return of personal information after termination of trust period, To protect the interests of users.
    (Your personal information will only be provided to the affiliated company according to the service you have subscribed to.)
  • Consignor
  • Consignment service contents
  • Customer consultation services related to service use (inquiry, change, termination, etc.)Sign up for rate plan and additional service
  • UBASE, NICE Credit Information Co., Ltd.,SK M & Services
  • International phone service usage plan guide
  • SK C & C, Nostech(Ha Seong C & A Co., Ltd., DiToel Co., Ltd.)
  • Operation / maintenance of sales computer system
  • Saltcake
  • Homepage Operation / Maintenance
  • KFTC, KSNET,InicisCustomer's automatic payment application bank / card company
  • Account / card authentication for deferred payment processing Automatic debit processing
  • Greenpeople
  • Support various office work such as sales support, settlement support
  • Daejeon Happy Service
  • Support various office work such as correspondence of investigation agency request

※ The list of consigning companies (entrusted company) may be changed according to the service change and contract period, and the changes will be updated from time to time.

  • BBB Korea shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the termination of business, termination of business, termination (1 year), termination of business, If you do not use the service, we will destroy your personal information without delay. However, information that may be required to be resolved by dispute settlement or other laws is kept as follows.
    • - Personal information (including billing information) after termination for the purpose of verification in the event of dispute, such as the settlement of impersonation or charge, charge and payment: 6 months from the date of termination. However, if the termination customer does not pay the usage fee or there is a dispute with the customer regarding the fee,
    • - Telecommunication time and date, start and end times, frequency of use, subscriber number of other party, location of information and communication equipment connected to information and communication network Source: 12 months
    • - National Taxation Act, Corporate Tax Law, VAT Law, Commercial Name Statement, Customer Identification Number, (Termination) Service Number, Billing / Payment Statement, Account / Card Number
  • BBB Korea will use your personal information for a long period of time (1 year) if you do not use the services for the purpose of collecting and using personal information, I will.
    1. ① Destruction procedure
      The personal information collected and stored will be destroyed after a certain period of time according to internal policy and other related laws and regulations.
    2. ② Destruction method
      Personal information printed on the paper is crushed or incinerated by a crusher or processed by chemical processing and dissolves and destroyed, and personal information stored in the form of an electronic file is recorded using a technical method that can not reproduce the record Delete.
  • ① Withdrawal of consent to collection, use or provision of personal information
    You may request to view, collect, use, or provide your consent to revoke your registered personal information at any time. You may also request to view or provide the following information, and if there is an error, you may be asked to correct it.
    1. - Personal information of BBB Korea's customers
    2. - Details provided by BBB Korea to third parties using personal information
    3. - Details provided by BBB Korea to third parties using personal information
    BBB Korea shall take appropriate measures to respond to customer requests in the event that the customer requests the retrieval and correction of the consent of the personal information. If it is found that the personal information is erroneous or the retention period has elapsed, If it is deemed necessary, it shall be corrected or deleted without delay.

    ※ Please use the telephone (1588-5644) for the inquiry of personal information, revision and withdrawal of consent

    ※ If you are a homepage member or smartphone APP service member, please withdraw your consent directly from the website and smartphone APP. In particular, the smartphone APP service member must apply for withdrawal of consent (withdrawal of membership) from the APP before membership is terminated. Therefore, if you delete only the APP on the smartphone, please withdraw your consent separately.

    withdraw your consent directly from the website and smartphone APP. In particular, the smartphone APP service member must apply for withdrawal of consent (withdrawal of membership) from the APP before membership is terminated. Therefore, if you delete only the APP on the smartphone, please withdraw your consent separately.
  • ② Right of legal representative
    BBB Korea accepts legal representatives' consent for the application of services and the provision of personal information to children under 14 years of age. A legal representative of a child under the age of 14 may request the reading, correction, and withdrawal of the child's personal information through telephone, e-mail, fax, etc., and if necessary, the company takes necessary measures without delay.
  • ① We may install or operate a cookie to store and retrieve your information through the Internet service provided by BBB Korea. When you access the website, you can read the contents of cookies in your browser, find additional information, and provide services without further input such as your name on the connection.
  • ② By selecting [Tools] → [Internet Options] → [Security] → [Custom Level] at the top of the web browser, you can accept all cookies, check each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to store all cookies There is. However, if the customer declines the cookie, there may be difficulties in providing the customer authentication and service.
  • ③ Cookies expire at browser exit or logout.
  • BBB Korea takes the following technical and managerial measures to ensure the safety of our customers so that their personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged.
    1. ① Technical protection measures
      • - Personal information is managed using an internal network that can not be accessed or intruded from an external network. Encrypting files and transmission data, or using a file locking function, protects important data through a separate security function. We are doing.
      • - We take measures to prevent damage from computer virus by using vaccine program. Vaccine programs are updated periodically, and if a virus suddenly emerges, we provide it as soon as it is available to prevent personal information from being compromised.
      • - Security devices such as encryption algorithms are adopted to securely transmit personal information on the network.
      • - In case of hacking or other external intrusion, the system operates in an area controlled from the outside. Intrusion prevention system and intrusion detection system are operated to monitor intrusion for 24 hours.
  • ② Administrative protection measures
    • - In order to protect the privacy of personal information, BBB Korea is subject to objective certification such as information security management system certification from external experts for major systems and facilities.
    • - BBB Korea has established procedures for the management and access of customers' personal information so that employees are aware of them and comply with them.
    • - BBB Korea will limit the number of persons who can process your personal information to the minimum, manage access rights, and ensure compliance with laws and policies through education.
      • The person handling personal information of the customer is as follows.
        * Those who deal with customers directly or indirectly,
        * Person in charge of personal information management and personal information protection such as personal information protection person and personal information protection person
        * Those who have inevitable access to personal information in business
    • - Signing an information protection pledge when hiring new employees, we have established internal procedures to prevent leakage of information (including personal information) by employees, to remind ourselves of our obligation to protect personal information from time to time and to audit compliance.
    • - The personal information handler's takeover of the business is strictly conducted with security maintained, and the responsibility for personal information infringement after entering and leaving the company is clearly defined.
    • - When collecting or providing information about settlement of accounts such as customer's bank account, credit card number, etc. to conclude a service use contract or provide a service, we take necessary measures to confirm that the customer is the customer.
  • ① BBB Korea takes customer opinions very seriously. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our agent or contact us at 1599-0070.
    If you need consultation about other personal information infringement, you can contact the Korea Information Security Promotion Agency's Personal Information Infringement Notification Center or the National Police Agency's Cyber Terrorism Response Center.
    • - Personal Information Infringement Notification Center (www.118.or.kr/ 118)
    • - Cyber Terror Response Center (www.netan.go.kr/ 02-363-0112)
  • BBB Korea has a personal information protection officer to protect personal information and handle complaints related to personal information. If you have any questions about personal information, please contact the person in charge of personal information protection or the person in charge of privacy.
    • personal information protection Officer
    • Yang JooHyeok, General Manager
    • personal information protection manager
    • Ahn Jae Hong
    • Department
    • BBB Korea Business Division CR Support Team
    • tel : 1599-0070
    • E-Mail : ananan03@sk.com
  • BBB Korea will always supervise and supervise the personal information collected in accordance with the provisions of the Act so that it can be used for collection and processing purpose.
  • ① BBB Korea is taking protective measures to protect children and legal representatives from disadvantages due to personal information provided by children under the age of 14 (hereinafter "children").
  • ② BBB Korea shall obtain the consent of the legal representative of the child when the following acts are performed on the child's personal information.
    • - When collecting personal information for the purpose of joining the service of the child or using the personal information of the child or providing it to a third party beyond the range notified in the service registration or the service use conditions
    • - If the person receiving the personal information of the child uses it for purposes other than the purpose for which the personal information is provided or provides it to a third party
  • ③ BBB Korea may request the minimum information necessary for obtaining the consent of the legal representative, such as the name and address of the legal representative. In this case, the child shall be notified in a plain manner that the child can easily understand that the purpose of collecting, using or providing personal information and the consent of the legal representative is necessary.
  • ④ To obtain the consent of the legal representative, we do not use the personal information of the legal representative collected for the purposes other than the purpose of confirming the agreement of the legal representative, or give it to the third party.
  • ① BBB Korea does not transmit commercial information for commercial purposes without prior consent of the customer.
  • ② If BBB Korea is to send the advertisement information by e-mail in order to perform customer-oriented marketing such as new product or event information guide, obtain the customer's prior consent about the advertisement information transmission and add the customer's advertisement information So that you can easily find out.
  • ③ Even if the customer who agrees to receive the advertisement transmits commercial information for commercial purposes other than e-mail, such as faxing, mobile phone text transmission, etc., it takes necessary measures such as indicating the name of the sender.
  • This personal information processing policy will be effective from the effective date. If there are additions, deletions and corrections of the changes in accordance with the laws and policies, we will notify you of the changes through the website (www.sktelink.com) notice.
    • - Privacy policy enforcement date: March 3, 2017
    • - Privacy Policy version number: 20170303